It is late at night after a hard day of struggle at the Drink and Fight Inn. Byron is still recovering from his ordeal, keeping warm by the fireplace. Dareg 3-Tusks and his busty wife, Gragh, keep the food and drink coming, doing what they can to comfort the people who had again, defended Bird Keep.
Methos decides to go and visit his brother again, and heads out after having a few drinks for the trip. As he leaves Alex and Amy Cedar, the voluptuous elven sisters, arrive. They sit down by Kazier and Maurice, themselves having fought against the Ice Goblin's in the fierce battle earlier that day. Both are still wearing their combat gear just like everyone else it seems.
"Good to see you again," Kazier says to Amy. The snow-haired elven huntress gives a thin smile, taking his calloused hand in hers.
"I heard you had a lot of action today at the wall. It seems you actually ran out to engage the goblins! Were you trying to get yourself killed?"
"I'm still here aren't I? No raggedy-ass goblins are going to finish me off." With a smile of his own he tosses back his head and drains his beer glass in a single chug.
Much is talked about in those evening hours. Fresh bread and cheese are munched upon, and much wine and beers are consumed. It has been a chaotic day and a very strange couple of weeks. A lot has gone on and making a decision as what to do next occupies most of the topic of conversation.
Being a scholar and having done a lot of research over the past few days, Ganam Oore talks about the Knights of Discord, and tells a tale from long ago. It is something he thinks the group should know, for it will probably give them the direction they are searching for. Clearing his voice, all eyes in the bar look over to him as he begins to speak.
"Before the time, when the gods fought each other upon the world, many legends came alive. These legends exist today, after ten thousand years, only in the knowledge of few sages. Among the mortal folks, most of the legends are changed; the names became different, the places became fabled or no longer exist.
"During the siege of the Fortress of Thousand Years, where the Evil Gods besieged the Gods of The Light for a thousand years, the god Avranis, Lord Of War, fought tirelessly for 700 years. It is said that every day the mighty Lord appeared on the battlefield, between the clashing armies, with his powerful tiger. The tiger was a mythic animal: her skin was covered with a thick layer of pale blue flames, her roar shook both the fighting armies, her eyes threw blue lightning bolts and her fangs ripped full plate armor as if it were made of paper. Her name was Sker-Hjan; in the lost tongue of the gods it means "The One Who Chooses".
"Daily, when Avranis arrived, all the armies, the gods and their servants of both sides, stopped, and awaited his decision. Every day, for seven hundred years, Sker-Hjan chose the side on which she and her Lord would fight that day. Nobody knows why the Tiger would choose a side or the other; both mortals and gods prayed each day that Avranis and Sker-Hjan would fight by their side.
"One day, on the Day Of The Raining Blood, Sker-Hjan chose the side of the Light, joining the army of Galinor. The Evil God, Zadrak, faced the Tiger and with his fearful black sword, Varadah, slew her. When Avranis became aware of the death of his beloved tiger, his rage shook the entire battlefield; his scream heard even at the opposite side of the world. With red eyes filled with anger, Avranis begun to mow the helpless enemies like grain, heading toward Zadrak, who still laughed beside the dead tiger.
"Avranis created a corridor of death and destruction, slaying everything that dared oppose him, using his magical weapon "Nomina", which had the ability to change into a new weapon every second in the hands of the god. Finally, he faced Zadrak, who was overwhelmed by the rage of Avranis. The gods fought the entire day, and at the end, Zadrak was cornered and fell to the ground, with Avranis towering over him, ready to strike the final blow. Alas, Zadrak was also a master of deception, and with a little spell, made the body of the dead tiger move a bit. Avranis was distracted for an instant, for his love for the tiger was too great, and when he turned toward Zadrak again, Varadah jutted from his chest.
"The world stopped to witness the death of Avranis. The essence of the god flew away, followed by the mad laugh of Zadrak and his fellow dark gods. It began to rain. The rain was not water, but true blood, and, legends tell, some nearby bushes of white roses turned red. Some mortals, powerful wizards and warriors, took some drops of that rain and with them forged some
legendary magical weapons.
"The weapons were made of crystal and the Avranis blood remained liquid inside the weapon, making them harder than the finest steel and more keen than the sharpest blade. These magical weapons were used against the dark gods for over 300 years, and were called Hanji-Sha blades, which translates into "blood vengeance". After the war, some mortals took the few remaining
weapons and hid them in secret locations scattered all around in the world.
"They were banished in the distant city of Draman Del, along with their master Marg (or Zadrak back then), but not before Marg killed Avranis, the god of war. When Avranis died, it rained blood. Wizards and priests took the blood and forged Bloodswords, and soon dispatched the rest of the minor gods and the Knights of Discord with them. Galinor, god of light, gave his life and power up in the forging of the Guardian Sword. With it, the mortals slew Marq.
"The Knights were dispatched and the Bloodswords were scattered. It is believed that they Knights are going to Draman Del to find these ancient relics and use them to destroy the Guardian Sword, and by doing so return Marg to the world. This of course would be disastrous."
After hearing Ganam's tale a whole new round of discussions begin. The elven scholar sits back in a chair, looking the group over, sipping his wine. There is a sense of dread in him, like how he had felt when he was cursed with lycanthropy. He has an inkling of what might happen if the Knights are not challenged.
Everyone agress that right now that the Knights are weak, slowly gaining power and material form. Though one was destroyed, the other four are still free. Byron's escape was aided, indirectly, by the appearance of one of these evil beings. If they were to regain their power, let alone bring Marg back to the world, Corvel would have another front to fight. With Kilmoor to the south, Ice Goblins to the north, and the Knights to the east, Corvel's enemies would have them surrounded. Each person there adds somthing to the discussion. The candles burn late into the night.
The plight of the other slaves in the Goblin-Territories is a concern to Alric. "I think we should go to the mines at Oriaal's Lock, and rescue the people there. We need to free them!" The small Pixie is passionate about this, himself having nightmares of being trapped and enslaved. From his talks with Talia and her captivity he knows that this is a fate worse than death.
Maurice sadly shakes his head. "It would be a mission doomed to failure, Alric. There are tens of thousands of Ice Goblins and this mine where the slaves are is deep in their lands. It would take a massive army breaking the back of these monsters to set them free. A handfull of people, no matter how noble their quest, would end in tragedy." Maurice lowers his eyes, seeing how badly Alric wants to help them. "I will not forget those people. When the time is right I will go there and do what I can."
It is agreed that going to Draman Del is the wisest course of action. The Knights of Discord are probably going there to try and find a way to return the vile Marg to the world. It will be a long journey, perhaps a month in length. That distant city is on the edge of the Cursed Wood and is between Corvel and the wilds of Akrindor. Since it has been rumored to have just recently fallen to a massive goblin invasion, things will be very dangerous.
Both Amy and Byron know where Draman Del is. However Byron is too weary to make the trip but both of the Cedar Sisters decide to go on this journey with the group. Only Talia Glittergold is reluctant to go there. "I hate the cold here. There is also all this danger and people getting killed everywhere. I think it would be better to go back to Red Shore and wait for you to return to me Alric. I admire your courage, but such a frightful trip is something I don't want to do."
"It's all right Talia, I understand." Alric an almost sense her fear. He knows that she is just beginning to enjoy life now after having been freed. She doesn't want to have this freedom cut short in some horrible way..
Alex stands up, and stretches some, running her long fingers through her red hair. "Well it is late and we should all get some rest. I am sure Amy wouldn't mind it if you all came back with us to our cottage. We have plenty of rooms and pillows for you. I am sure you would enjoy your stay there." She gives an animated smile, looking over at Maurice who raises an eyebrow and smiles back.
"I think I'll go back to the Temple of Rellian," says Jinx. "I can do a bit more studying there anyway." She is being very polite, knowing full well that the Cedar sisters will probably have an orgy soon going on at their place. It is something she would rather not see.
Ganam Oore stays at the Inn, wanting to think and research some more about the Knights of Discord. As they leave Maurice gives Dareg 5 geld coins in appreciation for his hospitality.
"Thank you sir," says the burly orc.
The group travels through the icy streets of Bird Keep to the Cedar Sister's home. It is a nice place and Dril gets his warg to stay outside, burrowing into a snowdrift to keep warm. Fires are started up at the cottage and the living room is filled with many, many pillows. Alric spends the evening with Talia, Kazier with Amy, Maurice with Alex. Dril just dives into some fluffy
pillows and goes to sleep.
There is some hugging and kissing, but no massive carnal party erupts. All of them are far too tired and exhausted from the activities of the day. All sleep comfortably, most in the arms of their current lover. It is a peaceful night.
The next morning they regroup back at the Drink and Fight Inn. It is early but everyone knows they need to be quick if they are to catch up to the Knights.
"I have someone I would like you to meet," says Ganam. "It's a friend I made last night. Everyone, this is Dreznat." She is dressed in plain robes, with blonde, almost white colored hair in a short haircut.
Dreznat was one of the lycanthropes that had been rescued and cured by the aid of the priests of Rellian. The whole ordeal has left Dreznat with some memory problems, but they seem to be confident in the use of some minor magics.
Ganam has informed Dreznat of the group's plans to travel to Draman Del, and Drez wants to go along as well. There is some familiarity with the lands to the east, where they are going and that is why Dreznat wants to go. Hopefully some clouded memories will clear up during the trip.
Unexpectedly Duke David arrives at the Inn with a host of his guards. He is looking for Alex, one of his warriors as well as the diverse group that usually stays here. There is concern in his eyes, and it is obvious that something bad has happened. Almost immediately everyone's hand goes to their weapons, readying themselves for what they anticipate will happen.
"Lady Elysse Poza Attenmoor from the Province of Poza has been attacked on the King's Road by goblins. A message was brought to me by a magically driven bird to tell me of this. She and her entourage were attacked just outside the town of Feron. I do not know of what fate has befallen her or her people."
"How far away is Feron?" Asks Kazier, already anticipating what is going to happen next.
"It's only half a day away by horse," answers Amy quickly.
Dave continues to look very grim. "Please, I know she is in mortal danger. I do not know why she was coming here un-announced to Bird Keep, I only know what the bird she sent told me. I need her to be rescued. You see, she is going to be my wife."
With this revelation everyone knows full well why the Duke is so concerned. The group immediately prepares to go on this mission. Weapons, armor, and supplies are quickly gathered.
Dril returns to the leatherworker shop where he had dropped off his roll of dragonskin. The craftsman there has turned it into a rather fierce-looking helmet for the surly sprig. He hops back on his warg and rides to meet up with the others.
Dreznat is given some money by Maurice and Kazier to arm and equip up. The mysterious person then goes and gets some necessary items to help in this sudden endeavor. The Duke kindly gives a horse to Dreznat to help. "I would go with you," he says. "But my place is here with my people. Please try and bring her back to me."
From the Temple of Rellian Jinx arrives. In less than an hour they are on horseback heading out the Southgate onto the King's Road. Ganam and Talia stay behind with Lord Byron. Kazier, Maurice, Jinx, Alric, Dril, Alex, Amy, and Dreznat move out into the frozen wilderness of Sigel. The mountains are covered in snow, and a gray sky hangs overhead. The wind cuts through their
clothes chilling them all.
Riding quickly they head east. As they travel farther on the clouds break up and the sun comes out. The light reflected up from the white snows is a bit blinding, but it doesn't slow them down. Finding the path towards Feron they easily spot a broken wagon in the far distance, set down in a natural ravine with tall cliffs on either side along with many sturdy pines. A perfect spot for an ambush.
Kazier dismounts and stealths his way to the right side of this while Amy and Dril cautiously take the left. Everyone else slowly goes down the path in the middle. If there is anyone left for another ambush, the group will not be unprepared or surprised.
Getting to where the wagon is takes a little time. The wheels are broken, and many headless bodies are about. A banner of Poza lays trampled on the ground. Maurice looks the situation over, grinding his teeth somewhat. He sees that there are no female bodies here, only those of armored soldiers. The Lady of Poza may still be alive. There are many tracks around in the
snow, tracks he has seen before. "This is certainly the work of foul goblins."
At the cliffs Amy and Dril find the spots where the attackers had waited for the wagon to come by. On the opposite side Kazier finds the same thing, but with drag marks heading off and away. It is probably where Lady Elysse will be, if she is still alive.
It is decided to follow the drag marks. The whole group dismounts and the horses are tethered. They then start heading up the side of the cliff. At the summit they can see in the far distance the small town of Feron, but only barely.
The trail is difficult to follow. Jagged rocks and vertical rock walls make it a very hard path. Eventually even Dril is forced to get off his warg and go on foot. The fearsome beast pads back to where the horses are. "I just hope he doesn't eat any of them before we get back."
Amy takes the lead, being a skilled hunter and tracker, with the rest following. Ahead there is a cave opening where the trail leads. Alric buzzes up ahead, trying to be an unobtrusive and as observant as possible. A few moments later he quickly comes back. The small pixie sets down on Amy's shoulder and speaks softly, not trying to make a lot of noise.
It takes him a moment to gather his thoughts, for he has never seen anything like this before in his young, short life. "There are goblins ahead. Up beyond the cave are four goblins on guard, in groups of two. Below are a few girls, tied up and being, uh, violated. There's a lot of them, I don't know how many. They are down in a clearing on the other side of the hill."
A plan is swiftly made. Kazier and Dril will sneak up behind the two goblin guards on the left while Maurice and Alex to the same to the others. The goblins will be dispatched quickly with much sneakiness. Hopefully this will gain a great deal of surprise. Amy will lead the rest to the top of the cave and provide missile-fire down at the enemy below should it be necessary.
Very carefully, the four climb the sides around the cave towards the guards. Surprisingly Maurice climbs very well and is very silent. Alex just grins a bit, seeing how elvish the crazy orc is acting.
At the top the goblin guards are chuckling and laughing, their backs to them. Below are two naked women, staked out and being viciously raped by the hideous creatures. A mob is clustered around them, having great fun at their wicked deeds. Nearby is one dressed in elegant clothes, frightened and tied up. There is also a collection of bloody heads, their grisly trophies.
Silently Dril, Kazier, Maurice, and Alex move up behind the unknowing goblins. With a flash of steel each of the creatures is slain with a sword through their back or a knife across their throat. Only Alex's turns when he's struck, but is quickly cut in half with the elven maiden's second
From below one of the foul creatures looks up and bellows a warning. Maurice roars back and goes sliding down the frozen hill towards them. The rest follow suit and a bloody melee begins. Seeing the raped women and the guard's heads drives the entire group into a vicious frenzy. With slashing blades, piercing arrows, and hurled spells, the marauding goblins are battled and brutally killed. In a matter of moments the dozen enemy that is there are laying in the snows, their life spilling out from their gaping wounds.
The last goblin is killed by Maurice who lops it's head off, catches it by the ears and then boots it off away into the woods.
With the exception of Dreznat and Alric everyone has taken a wound or two. The most seriously injured is Dril with a stab to his neck. Alric flies over to the bleeding Sprig and rapidly heals him of his serious injury.
Lady Elysse Poza Attenmoor is freed as are the two women. Fortunately they are unconscious, having been beaten senseless by their cruel captors. "Many thanks for our rescue," says Elysse. "I was praying hard to Rellian for a miracle." Her fear begins to ease somewhat, seeing Alex and Amy, two elves amongst the rough looking crowd.
"We were sent by Fiery Dave," says Alric, trying to be cheerful.
"I see," replies Elysse. "You know he hates being called that."
It is decided to get out of the cold and into the cave. Cautiously the group climbs back up the hill and enters the dark cavern. Within is food rations, trunks, chests, wooden crates, miscellaneous weapons and all sorts of other junk. This is where the raiding goblins have been storing some of their loot, piling it up haphazardly here and there, a sort of safe house for them.
A fire is quickly lit by Kazier, using old debris for fuel. Slowly the place begins to warm up a bit and Jinx tends to the two raped girls. She and Alric use their powers to heal what they can, and Dril gives some of his sleep-inducing wildberries to them. They will need to rest for a long time
if they are to successfully recover from their hideous ordeal.
While Lady Elysse and her companions are being tended to, Maurice and Kazier take some spears from the cave and go back down to the battlefield. Each goblin has their head hacked off and stuck up on the long weapons. Soon more than a dozen heads are bobbing back and forth in the chilling breeze, a little something for the goblins to see and fear.
Kazier notices that Maurice seems to relish doing this. Usually he is rather passive, but he can feel the burning hatred the orc has for goblins. He wonders what is the reason for this, and feels that it is probably from some dark event in Maurice's past that drives him.
The human heads are gathered up and put into a sack. At the very least they will be returned to their bodies when they are taken care of.
Looking over the unconscious women, Jinx comes to an obvious decision. "We need to get them to Feron, where they can be properly tended." She looks over to Lady Ellysse.
"Did you send the bird to Duke David, warning him of your plight?"
The still somewhat stunned Elysse slowly shakes her head. "No, I did not."
With the supplies at hand, Dril fashions a litter to help carry the two women. As the sun begins to set behind the white mountains, the group heads out of the cave. Before too long they get to their horses and make it to the edge of the little town called Feron.
Chronicled by Ken Paynter aka...Maurice leChevalier
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