Deep within the Cursed Woods, just before the lands of Akrindor, located in the midst of the Zenith Steppes is the amazing city of Draman Del. The great city is right out of the past, with many levels of massive walls making it a very formiddable place. There are several large, open gates and there is a steady flow of traffic in and out of the city.
Ganom Oore looks on with extreme interest, glancing up from his art pad. This scholar from Sigel finds the place fascinating. "You know that the word zenith comes from a derogatory term for some of the feral races, like orcs and goblins. The people of Akrindor are barbarians living in tribes, however there is supposed to be some sort of queen who rules over them all."
Our heroes travel along with the crowd, going into the great city. The guards here wear armor of red and silver, obviously battle hardend warriors. Going into the tunnels beneath the main wall is quite an experience. The tunnel is over a hundred feet in length, with torches set in brackets along the way for illumination. The walls here are grayish and dirty, hewn from the living rock of the mountain ages ago.
Getting to the inner area reveals the place to have a very military type of atmosphere. In the center square is a very old statue of a man in armor, much like the ones in the Burning Tigers Temple. Ganam Oore says, "It reads "To the fearless Rangh, the Steel General, whose courage defeated the evil god Marg," in the ancient tongue." There are many soldiers and mercenary types here, all looking to be slightly on edge. There are barracks, blacksmiths, training areas and the like. One of the soldiers sees the group and approaches them.
"I am Captain Frotes. I could not help but notice you wear the King's colors," he says to Maurice. "Are you here on a mission?"
Maurice looks at the man and hesitates, wondering exactly how much he should tell him. "I and my companions are on a mission for Corvel. We are not here on direct orders though, but what we do is in the best interests of our nation."
Introductions are quickly made and Captain Frotes directs us to the Blue Eagle, a tavern several levels on down. "Go there and get refreshed. When you have a chance I would like to talk to you again about why you are here."
Moving onward through the narrow, stone-cobble and gray streets of Draman Del goes the group. Many people give them a look, since they are even more strange looking than the wild mercenary types that seem to be everywhere here now. Dril atop his warg especially gets some stern gazes. The group descends down in the city, literally, as it was built on a slope. The front entrance is the highest point, with everything else being built up beneath.
Eventually, after passing beneath several stone archways, they arrive at the Blue Eagle Inn. From this level they look out, to the lands of Akrindor. It is a huge, flat plain, with scrub brush and great wide spaces. Gazing out into that great distance no discernable landmarks at all can be spotted.
Going inside they meet with the innkeeper who is named Thron. They rent four rooms for a week as well as get stables for their mounts. Dril, Kazier, and Amy decide to stay here at the inn, to clean and rest up some. It has been quite a trip, especially since they had to recently battle a dragon.
Jinx and Ganam head off to find the Galinor Sanctuary, an ancient library that is located here in the city. "This way we might be able to find clues to the location of the Guardian sword," says Jinx. "After all this is why we came here isn't it?"
After putting their excess gear up in their rooms, both Methos and Dreznat have their hair trimmed up. The dragon's breath really singed them and both opt to go for a very close cropped look now until they can at least grow it back out properly.
With one hand, Dreznat runs her fingers over her very short hair now, feeling her skull. "Hmm, I look like that chick from the Eurythmics . . "
Resting up a bit Maurice, Alric, Methos, Alex, and Dreznat head back up to the main gate to meet with Captain Frotes. The walk is all uphill, not as easy as going down to the inn. Getting back to him he takes us up into the fort where they all sit down on comfortable chairs while Dreznat goes to the mini-bar and mixes up some drinks. Maurice of course is ever chivalrous, and pulls out Alex's chair for her when she sits.
They tell Captain Frotes about the Knights of Discord, their adventures in Sigel and Redcliff, and their encounter with a dragon. Maurice does most of the talking. "The Dark Generals are trying to gather their power to reform Marg. We have come here to find the Guardian Sword, the one they will seek to destroy." Both Maurice and Dreznat show him their Hanji-Sha, a crystalline scimitar and a double headed axe.
From across a wooden desk, Frotes listens and then speaks. "Well you certainly have had a long trip. All of what you told me corresponds with the Akrindorians banding together. Over the past few weeks we have heard they are no longer squabbling, but are actually coming together. For what purpose . . Well I have a better understanding now."
They talk some more, learning about a good bar called the Wild Pony run by a man called Tova, that and where they might take their dragon-hide and have it turned into suitable armor. Overall Frotes is very inquisitive and helpful.
As the group is leaving the fort, an alarm starts clanging on the lowest wall, the one facing Akrindor. Hearing this everyone rushes that direction, expecting the worst. Guards run in from outlying barracks and man the walls. Curious folk crowd the streets, wondering what might be going on.
In the distance on the scrub-brush plains, something approaches. It turns out to be a chariot with one horse, slowly plodding it's way back towards Draman Del. Without hesitation, Alric buzzes on out, crossing the distance to the chariot very quickly. He is curious, cut also wary, knowing that an enemy could easily spring out of nowhere.
The horse if frothing, almost dead from exhaustion. Inside the chariot is a small boy, his arms hacked off, his eyes wild with madness. Immediately Alric lands next to him and puts a tiny hand to his head and weaves his magics of healing. As the chariot slowly moves towards the city, the pixie does this casting several times, doing all he can for the horribly mutilated child.
The guards go out and retrieve the chariot and begin to shoo the onlookers away. The poor kid and horse are taken care of. He is escorted to see Lord Ashen and his mystic Dermon. Frotes tells the group that the boy was part of an ambassadorial expedition sent out to Akrindor some weeks ago. It looks like things have gone badly.
Before leaving, Frotes asks a favor of the group. "Tonight would you please return to the fortress? I would like the governing council to hear what you told me. Things are changing here, rapidly."
Everyone goes back to the Blue Eagle and cleans up, trying to look somewhat decent for the rulers of Draman Del. Again, only Maurice, Alex, Alric, Dreznat, and Methos will go, everyone else will remain behind just in case. When night falls they walk back up the hill, through the streets, back to the fortress. People seem afraid now, rumors are running wild through the city.
Captain Frotes meets them and ushers them inside once more. Here they are met by General Treman, Lord Ashen and his son Destor, Bandegil, and Dermon the mystic. Old Dermon is rather cryptic, saying odd things like "Come in, your footsteps will be driven from the holy light of Galinor, because only that light can lead you in the darkness awaiting us. I have seen the omens, my sons, and none is good.”
As they had told Frotes, the governing council is also told. Some questions are asked, but these leaders almost already seem to know what is going on. They also discuss the mutilated boy who came back that day. Lord Ashen stands and looks outside a window as he talks to the group, looking into the darkness.
"You saw the lad who came back to us today. He had been part of a group sent out to meet with the Akrindorian Queen. Most of what he said was insane babblings, sadly the child will probably never recover. He mentioned that there was a New King to the barbarians named Kan-Zenith. He was the one who killed the ambassadorial group and tortured the lad. From your descriptions he might very well be one of your Knights of Discord.
"A gigantic number of the Akrindorian tribes were gathering to him, somewhere around half a million I'd wager. The boy was sent to us as a message." The elderly Lord Ashen turns back to face his ministers and the group. "They are coming here, to make war with Draman Del."
This news is a bit much for General Treman, who is shaken by it. “I fear this is beyond our capacity. Our army amounts to about seven thousand men, divided into six thousand infantrymen, seven hundred knights and three hundred bowmen...but only a third of these men are veterans, the others are mostly farmers or young conscripts. I reckon we could levy another three hundred men in the city and the same number from the countryside...but, I repeat: they are farmers.”
The infantry commander Bandegil cuts off Treman. "True many of the people here that would defend Draman Del are untrained, but, come on! A siege is better than training farmers for a
year only to send them to home again...don’t you think?
Anyway, from tomorrow I will step up the training… Actually,
I will start now.”"
There is much rapid discussions about what might happen and what to do. Ashen has sent word to King Marcus that they need aid here, and hopefully it will arrive soon. Realistically anything they get will come in about 5-8 weeks. If Draman Del is being attacked by so many barbarians . . . There may be nothing left.
Lord Ashen's son, Destor, has an idea. “Father, I know that this may sound anxious, but... what if the boy lied to us? Could he have invented it? They may have been just attacked by a zenith tribe...”
Captain Frotes speaks up. "Excuse me sir, how about getting Deathshadow out of retirement! He is a legendary warrior with a mystical blade. He would be exceptional for morale, even now at his advanced age. Who knows, the old man might still be able to fight even."
General Treman pipes in. "“Frotes is right my lord, his fighting skill is less important than his symbolic value for the soldiers: a living legend. It will be great for our morale and a blow to the zenith. I believe the zenith call him the ice-eyed Demon, or something like that...”
The irritating old seer, Dermon adds his own thoughts to the chaotic mess. "Things are worse than they appear. I have looked into the paths of the future and only a very few of them show Draman Del emerging triumphant from such a conflict. It is a time for weapons and bloodshed. We need to call the Red Priests. The Scarlet Brotherhood may assist us in this upcoming battle.
"The Red Priests live in the Cursed Woods, in the Judgement Mountains. They are a secretive order but might be convinced to come to Draman Del's aid. Innikus is the head of their order, these demons in scarlet."
Lord Ashen speaks and all go silent. "“Good...Frotes, find some reliable men and send them to call the Red Priests. Take care to send them incognito, I don’t want to lose any good soldiers to the wierd denizons of the cursed woods. I will send messengers around the region to enlist more volunteers to help us here. And let the gods, if there still are any, have mercy on us.”
Captain Frotes turns to look at Maurice, Alric, Methos, Alex and Dreznat.
Alric raises his hand, followed by Dreznat, then Methos and everyone else. "I take it you need someone to find these people don't you?" Says Alric in his merry voice. "Well, we can do it for you then!"
Lord Ashen speaks one last time. "Very well, I will try to send a message to Deathshadow... that’s all
gentlemen, you may go now.”
The council breaks up and everyone leaves, making preparations for what may happen. Dreznat hangs back and talks a bit more with Dermon. "You are a mystic that can see the future. Tell me, how do we find these Red Priests?"
The old Dermon huffs. "Come in my daughter, Tova, seek Tova. Go east to find the Red Priests to the north. Tova can guide you. "
After leaving the meeting, they go off to find Galinor's Sanctuary, where Jinx and Ganam Oore went. They find it in a run down part of town. The building is dusty, in bad shape. Oil lamps provide illumnation here.
Jinx is there, but they find Ganam in the library on the seventh floor of the fortress, a bit tired from all the reading but othewise doing fine. Both are caught up to speed on what is happening. Dreznat sits in front of Jinx and gives her a tender smile. "We still need you two to find out about the Guardian Sword. But right now we need you to read up on the Red Priests. We need to know as much about these guys as soon as possible. Oh also, something called The Zenith, a guy called Deathshadow, and anything about the Knights of Discord and the Black Generals"
Taking a deep sigh, Ganam nods. "Jinx and I will do our best." He then stands up and goes over to start consulting new tomes and scrolls. Being courteous Dreznat brings him some food and drink to help him along with his research.
They return then to the Blue Eagle and inform Amy, Dril, and Kazier what is going on. Amy turns her head as Dreznat finishes up. "Tova? You need to find Tova? Unless I am mistaken he's the person who runs the Wild Pony bar, down on the seventh tier, to the east of here."
Hearing this Dreznat rolls her eyes, running a hand through her very short hair. "That frikkin' mystic! Why didn't he just tell us where he was?"
"Well we know where he is now! Let's go see him!" Says Alric in his usually cheerful voice.
Before too long they go through the double doors of the Wild Pony. Inside the place is deserted, only two people are here sitting at a table. One is a rather wild-looking and tatooed man, the other a bosomy woman. "Welcome to the Wild Pony!" He says with little enthusiasm.
Dril looks around, squinting with his one good eye. "What happend to business?"
The man chuckles without mirth. "Well it is bad, very bad. I set up shop here years ago and have lived with the people here for a long time. But with the rumors of barbarian hordes gathering, nobody want's to have a drink at my bar." He stands up and looks into the face of Maurice. "I am Tova and this is Dondre," he says inclining his head to the woman. "I am from Akrindor and now everyone seems to hold that against me."
In his gravelly voice Maurice sits down at his table. "We came to see you Tova. We have need of you."
Over the course of several ales Tova is filled in on current events and their mission to go and find the Red Priests. He listens intently, at times putting an arm around Dondre. "I know of the Brotherhood. The way to them is steep, horses will be of little use to us. We will have to travel through the Cursed Woods and it will take at least a week."
"So you are going to help us?" Asks Alex, glancing up from her frothy ale mug.
The tatooed man gives a savage grin. "Well there isn't much going on around here now. Even though the people of Draman Del are treating me this way, it is still my home. I want to do what I can to help. So the answer is yes, I will help you." He looks Alex over, appreciating her curves which of course draws a playful poke from Dondre who sees what he is doing.
The rest of the evening is spent drinking it up. Maurice, Methos, and Alric drink up on Tova's specialty, a powerful drink called the Ale of Dreams. It is excellent stuff, and before long all are happy and bubble headed and sleep soon follows.
In the morning many of them have hangovers, but know they need to get moving. Washing up some they return to the Blue Eagle to get their gear. Amy greets them there, having gone back to see Kazier. She is already fully dressed, her bags with her.
"I hate to do this to you but it's time for me to go," she says sadly. "I need to return to Sigel, to get back to Duke David. It has been an amazing journey and I have learned a lot. However, you know as well as me that I am no real warrior." There are tears that well up in her eyes as she looks at her sister.
"Will you be coming with me Alex?"
A moment passes as her sister thinks of what to say. She looks to Maurice and then back to Amy. In the end she give her a hug, bringing her in tight. "You go home. I'll be along in time for the Duke's wedding."
Maurice gives Amy his tabbard, that of the King's Pistoliers. "There you go Amy. This might aid you on your long journey back to Sigel. Be careful. Be safe. We will miss you." Everyone hugs Amy, many fighting back tears in their eyes.
Taking her horse the group walks with her to the main gate. Dreznat gives Amy a friendly pat on the ass as she leaves. She rides off, turning once to wave farewell before going on her long journey.
After that they all go and meet a very tired Ganom Oore and Jinx who have stayed up all night researching. Ganom has circles under his eyes, but he seems pleased with himself. "There are a lot of old books here about Marg. What is most interesting is that they tell slightly different stories about what happend. One mentions a person called the Steel General who challenged Marg and wounded him greatly. Through treachery Marg slew the General who then was battled by the god Gadrath. But there are so many stories, it's hard to piece it all together."
Heres one reads Ganam "The death of Marg by
Edreben the Blind, Chronicles
In the year 2023 Marg, the most powerful dark god,
made moves to attack the west. Safe from the lethal rage
of Gadrath the Immortal, he brought all the godless Zenith
people together for the first and only time, mobilizing them
for war.
But Gadrath was not caught unprepared. He built Draman
Del, a mighty fortress encircled by seven walls. Gadrath spoke
mysteriously about the fortress as a thing of the future.
Gadrath was joined by the charismatic General Rangh, nicknamed “The Steel General” by his men for his strength.
The war lasted two years and was long and bloody. Four
of the seven mighty walls had already fallen, when the Steel
General issued a personal challenge to the god Marg. The
Judgment Mountains quaked and the armies were stunned
at such daring.
On the Third wall, swords clashed with an unearthly sound
and the man clad in steel used all his strength against the dark
being towering over him.
The city’s very stones trembled when Rangh’s shining blade
impaled Marg’s body and his screams hook the whole
region. But the god counter-attacked quickly, wounding
Rangh in several places. Exhausted and with blood-spattered
armor, Rangh retreated, with his back to the wall. Gadrath
the Immortal appeared in the doorway just as Marg’s
black blade broke Rangh’s sword and pierced his chest
armor. From the bastions, the General’s soldiers groaned
and helplessly watched Rangh’s giant frame falling to the
Now Marg turned against Gadrath, whose clear eyes were
shining with hatred. He whispered: “You have condemned
yourself, Marg, now behold your defeat!” Gadrath’s eyes
began to shine, firing out flashes of blue lightning and hitting
Marg repeatedly. Finally Gadrath lifted his arms, the sky
darkened and clouds suddenly appeared from nowhere. The
trembling Marg forged a shield of darkness but a lightning
bolt flashed from the clouds, shattering the shield and hitting
his weakened kneeling body. Then Gadrath approached him
grimly, lifted his staff and pronounced: “This is for the Steel
General that should not fell before you, but whose bounty
will pass into history!” Gadrath cracked his staff violently
over the god’s head with a bright flash.
This marked the demise of the dark god, Marg."
Ganam continues. "Oh and the Zenith, here's something" Ganam doesnt let a word in "The Zenith
From: “the book of people” by Eliah Viud
Nobody knows why the Zenith were created; we know
they were the first creation of Zadrak and Galinor, but they
did not take part in any battle of the gods in ancient times.
Although they are valiant warriors, their people never developed a collective conscience and they live in hundreds of scattered
tribes in hostile territory, constantly fighting each other.
Only once were they unified, by the evil god Kadram when
Gadrath was killing all the dark gods. After their defeat, they
went back to a nomadic lifestyle.
Every Zenith tribe has a leader called a “Kief”, chosen by
blood and sword. Every Kief is son of a Kief and the frequent
feuds are often resolved by bloodshed. The Zenith have
many wives and their currency is horses. Nevertheless, the
Zenith are a mystic people and their collective “dreams” help
the tribe decide where to go and what to do. Every tribe has a
so-called “King of Dreams”, either a mystic or a shaman who
interprets the dreams and have them do as they wish.
They love to paint their bodies with colors and designs, all of
which have special significance for the Zenith. For the most
part, these are unknown to us, but we know that red is the color of war and white means peace, while the violet is the color of morning."
Ganam still continues. "The Scarlet Rose Brotherhood
From the treatise of theology of Artinius Pelvus
“...we know all the brotherhoods of templars believe strongly
in the divine incarnation of everyday things. In other words,
given that all the gods except Savanah are dead, the templars
believe that when the gods die, their spirit passes into
everyday things. This explains why most of the brotherhoods
worship things or living beings.
The Red Rose Brotherhood is no exception and they are
noted for the originality of their faith. They worship red
roses, which they believe are infused with the blood of Avranis,
the dead god of war.
They claim when their god is at peace, roses are as snowwhite,
but when he wishes to fight, the roses turn red like
his blood.
Over the course of time, this brotherhood gradually changed
into a sect of courageous but bloodthirsty lunatics who may
take either side in a battle without any apparent reason.
On many occasions, they have changed sides during battles
or retreated unexpectedly from the battlefield.
Some centuries ago, one writer claimed to have spent two nights hiding in their monastery, where he saw one of them called “The High” speaking to an altar with a large engraved red-gold rose. The “High” is believed to be the spiritual guide for the brotherhood. We know very little about their rituals and lifestyles. One writer from the fourth century named Aurelius reports that they practise celibacy but women are admitted to the brotherhood.
Another source mentions a “blood ritual” every 100 years,
but I have not found any further information about this.
They have mystic abilities and some war skills, but one
source from the seventh century states: “these can only be
performed when the Brotherhood is gathered together”.
Ganam still continues " And look what I found out about Dea....."
"What about where the Red Priests are?" Alric butts in, folding his tiny hands across his bare chest.
Ganam looks a bit surprise, realizing he has gotten lost in research. "I . . Uh. There are pages missing, they seem to have been torn out of the book recently...."
"Don't worry about it," says Methos. "We have a guide that will be able to help us."
The group prepares to leave on foot out of Draman Del. Kazier and Dril are given the dragon hide with directions to try and have it turned into armor. Alric especially wants some, so he will be less vulnerable to attacks when he gets hit. Both of them will remain back in the city for a time, looking after Ganam as he does his further studying. Also, they will be able to take care of the horses and anything else that might unexpectedly pop up.
Maurice, Alex, Alric, Methos, Dreznat, and Jinx prepare themselves for the ordeal ahead. They get warm clothes, sleeping rolls, and some food supplies. Though Tova said it would be a week, they are trying to prepare for a very long haul.
At Westgate they run into Tova who is being hassled by ten drunk guards. "We were sent to tke care of you, you Zenith scum!" They call him names, insulting him and taking slow swings with their blades.
The bullys are quickly knocked out or sent to sleep by some hastily conjured spells. Tova is more and more disgusted with how he is being treated. "I am more than happy to leave town for a while now. Hopefully Dondre won't get bothered too much for having been with me by these ingrates."
Captain Frotes comes down to investigate the disturbance and has the ten sprawling guards hauled off until they can sober up. He looks at the group and salutes. "Good luck, we are counting on you."
Chronicled by Ken Paynter aka...Maurice leChevalier
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