The Session Logs
Part One - November 05 2011 to Jan 2012
In which the party goes adventuring
- Session 50
"Vellumthrax’s Lair" (Saturday November 5th 2011)
In which our intrepid adventurers
assist Lady Mellisande and the town of Eldermill in stoping a dragon attack.
- Session 51 "Blood" (Saturday November 19th 2011)
In which our intrepid adventurers....
- Session 51 thru 59 "??????" (Saturday November 26th 2011 thru Jan 2012)
In which our intrepid adventurers... Petered out and whined and disappeared because its what they do. They couldn't live the glory days because the old players don't live in the area anymore, "Its not PIGS", and whatever else flavor of the week goes through their minds. We are on hold again until I can find players.
- Fast forwarding session to #60