After defeating another goblin warband, their heads are taken and put up on pikes around Goodland. The townsfolk are very grateful, knowing that they would have been destroyed had this little band from Red Shore had not come by when they did.
Everyone goes to the Goodland Tavern to get some food and drink. There are rumors floating about, as rumors always do. There is a story that Queen Celine is with child, and that it should be the heir instead of Marcus. There is talk that a man named Sir Peyton Ellery was the spy for Kilmoor that got King Cedric killed. Guards with the names of Rose, Tinmoor, Davin Reis, all perished while defending him. A dwarf named Brotgar Firebelly is banding together free companies to fight the Kilmoorians in Holaf. That group is called the 'Belly Boys.' Overall everyone is happy and in good spirits.
While having a good time several bar wenches and a guy come over and start partying it up with Maurice. He smiles and tells them that it's his elvish charm at work again, and that this stuff happens all the time. Unknown to the slightly mad orc is that this is all the work of the pranksterish pixie, Galith. Soon the people start grabbing at his clothes and tender bits. They want him in bed, and start carrying him off, his clohthes getting torn off too. When the pants go Maurice flips out of their grasp and and goes running into the woods, naked. The people chase him for a bit before Galith's spell wears off. Everyone at the tavern laughs it up. Eventually Maurice sneaks back to the tavern and gets his stuff. Everyone then goes to get some rest for the journey tomorrow. Jinx comments that it is the nature of pixies to be pranksters.
The next morning all get up and load up the carts, the Kilmoorian prisoners included. A boat comes down from upriver and they toss over some news scrolls. It's propaganda from Kilmoor saying they are here to aid House Lea of Holaf. They don't want to fight, only to enslave all the non-humans. Their King's name is Duzan.
The other news scroll details the coronation of Marcus at Cathedral Wood and that any support of the Kilmoorians is a crime. It also encourages people to join the military. After saying farewell to Sheriff Brim, Captain Scrimm gives a signal and the group moves out. The (heh heh heh) elves, Maurice and Kazier go and scout up ahead. Dril moves about, looking for more healing berries. Victor walks near the back of the carts, Scrimm is on horseback, Jinx drives the lead wagon, while the surviving two guards and Galith stay at the center. The wolves are tethered to one of the carts.
At lunch Jinx breaks out the food and some chatting is done. Victor is from Surrak and is a strong believer in the Church of Rellian. Victor states that all must be wary of the sins of sodomy. While doing lunch a group of six people pass by on a raft. They give greetings and ask what where they are going and they are told that Kilmoorian prisoners are being escorted to Blaris. The rafting people wave and float on by.
The group comes to a ferry crossing. it will take two trips to get everything across. Galith flies around and sees nothing unusual. On the first trip will be the two wagons with the prisoners and wolves. Scrimm, Jinx, Kazier, Maurice and one guard will also be going. Behind will be one cart, Victor, Dril, and one guard. Dril is suspicious of the situation and keeps a look out. It's in this sprig's nature to be that way.
About halfway across the rope is cut, and the ferry starts going downstream. Galith flies high and sees bandits with bows on either side. "Ambush!" he yells. Arrows start coming in at the disabled ferry. Jinx is struck with an arrow and goes into the water, Kazier dives after her. All go for cover, what cover they can, and Maurice ties the rope off on one post to keep it from floating away. Back at shore Dril and Victor see what is happening and also tie the rope off. Some arrows also come their way from the bandits there and the guard is hit in the eye and killed instantly.
The human knight and the surly sprig charge the archers and start chopping and stabbing, killing them in a flurry of blows. Galith buzzes over to the opposite side of the river to the two archers there. His magic starts one dancing, screwing up his aim. Then with his poison coated mini-arrows he shoots the two and they drop from his little stings.
Kazier swims to Jinx and has a lot of trouble doing so, his clothes are pulling him down into the water. He gets to her and nearly drowns, but eventually gets to the shore. The guard on the ferry is hit with an arrow and Maurice goes to help him. Seeing some rocks up ahead he jumps in the water and tries to kick the ferry clear. The barge hits the rock and the wagons, horses, and prisoners go into river with a splash.
On shore Victor is killing the bandits, his armor protecting him against most hits. Dril sees what is happening in the water and jumps in, hoping to do what he can for the now submerged people. Victor stays where he is and slays the remaining bandits. He realizes these were the people who had come by them on the raft a bit earlier while they were having lunch. They must have wanted the reward for the Kilmoorians.
Maurice gets keys for the cage and swims over to open the lock. The commander has his face barely above water, holding the other down. Reluctantly Maurice unlocks the cage and lets them loose. The commander goes to shore while the other, the captain, tries to escape. Galith sees this, flies on out and befuddles him with his magic. Victor swims out and drags him back.
On land the Kilmoorian commander says something that irritates Maurice and the wet orc takes a swing at him that is blocked. Victor hurls the body of the captaim at him then and knocks him down. Dril then kicks Victor in the knee. The sprig likes the commander and doesn't want to see him messed with. Tempers run high with the Kilmoorian commander enjoying the trouble he has caused. A big philosophical discussion is then held.
During the talk Dril reveals he is Kilmoorian, albeit an escaped slave. Maurice, Victor, and Dril argue a lot with everyone else standing by. Kilmoor and Corvel hate each other. Dril takes the stance that they are really the same, unified in unreasoning hate. But in the end it is Kilmoor that has slaves, and Corvel doesn't. That is the difference. The dead bandits are tossed into the water to travel unceremoniusly to their graves.
The slain guard from Red Shore is given a proper burial. The wagon is dragged ashore. The ferryman re-attaches the rope and they all finally get across.
The group travels past the town of Derrig and continue on towards Greyhelm . . .
Chronicled by Ken Paynter aka...Maurice leChevalier