Session 7


Saturday August 9th 2002 (BJDM)

Before getting to Greyhelm, the group camps out, resting from the strenuous battle the day before.  Dril is especially hurt, his eye having been struck by an arrow.  It isn't destroyed but he can't see with it either.  Jinx has her arm in a sling and everyone is quite tired.     

The next morning Jinx fixes a quick breakfast.  The group talks about the city ahead.  It is ruled by Duchess Elsbeth Grey, her father, Duke Aaron Grey, had been killed a year before by a dragon from Kilmoor.  Though she is only 14 she is quite wise.  In two years she will marry Baron Jackston of Wolfgate.     

Packing everything up they continue down the road.  Galith flies off to scout, while Kazier and Maurice take the lead.  The countryside is green and pleasant, passing by the town of Derring.  They travel half a day to get there. Ahead a great castle atop a hill is seen.  It is Greyhelm.  Around it is the surrounding city and a protective wall.  The Sword, Sun, and Moon banner of the province is very visible everywhere.  Almost half a million people live here and their wealth is obvious in the quality of the buildings and from the clothes the people wear.     

At the gate, guards greet the group and talk with Captain Scrimm.  He tell them about the two Kilmoorian prisoners and they are let in.  Once inside they are told that Marcus is to be crowned at Cathedral Wood on St. Barlo's Day, a month and a half from now in Blariston.      

Going to the castle, plate armored guards emerge to take the Kilmoorians.  Captain Scrimm goes in with them.  He'll meet up with everyone at a bar called Pistolier's Paradise.     

Going down to the lower tier (inside the city), the horses and wolves get stabled and fed.  Kazier and Dril go to a herbalist and jeweler, getting things they need.  Galith goes along with them as well. There is very little traffic in the city.     

Victor, Jinx, and Maurice go to Pistolier's Paradise.  It is a nice place, fairly crowded with guards and soldiers.  Sitting down at a corner table Victor and Jinx order up on steak while Maurice eats leafy elf food.      Eventually everyone re-groups at the tavern to eat and have a drink.  Rumors of the ongoing war with Kilmoor abound.  Duke Marshal of Cirabur is doing a call to arms, wanting to go against the Kilmoorians lodged in Holaf.     

Before nightfall the religious icons gotten from the goblins are given to some Rellian monks.  The head monk is named Tybalt and they will take care of what they have been given.      Back at the tavern, Scrimm arrives with the reward money.  Once it is given out everyone wonders what they will do next, where they will go.  After a discussion they think that Blariston is the place to go, where the action is.  They meet an old orc with a little goatee called Orlando Vane.  He used to be Chief Inspector in Blariston.  Orlando says "Kilmoorians are in Blariston as spies, fighting a covert war."  Hearing this Blariston sounds better than ever. 

There are two wars raging, one that is obvious where the large battles are fought and another one with spies and assassins.  Scrimm will get the group some horses before he returns to Red Shore. Maurice goes on stage and sings a few songs.  Victor breaks out his lute and plays along.  With each song Maurice gets better and better.  "Could an orc do that?" he asks.      

The next day they get horses and Galith has some dragonbone and amethyst woven into his armor.      Before heading out, all of them talk a bit about their past . . .      The adventure ends for now, until the next time!     

"Hunt as the Gods intended"  motto of the Brudic Province

Miscellaneous Notes-     

Kazier is an elf from Brudic.  His girlfriend was his sister and she was killed by their family. (pretty fucked up if you ask me)     

Galith is a pixie from Green, a ranger of sorts, and a spellcaster.     

Dril Moonblade is a sprig, wears a floppy hat and spits chewing tobacco.     

Maurice LeChavilier.  Maurice is from the province of Brudic, ruled by her majesty Lady Sera Brudic.  The province is just over two hundred years old, having been founded in the year 742 Post Rellian.  It is a land covered by dense, tangled woods, where many creatures, elf, faerie, orc and others exist in harmony almost found no where else throughout the lands of Corvel.     Maurice leChavilier was born to elven parents.  They taught him tolerance and wisdom and to appreciate those different from himself.  Humans, gnomes, sprigs, faeries, and even orcs are all beings that have importance and value.  Though Maurice knows he is superior to many other races he does his best to maintain a level of humility and not let his natural abilities make others feel like they are insignificant.  Everyone is here for a reason, even if they are only here as a negative example.      He is proud to wear the studded leather armor of the elven privateer Ara of the Seven Winds, fighting the enemies of Corvel with his trusty saber at every opportunity. 

Chronicled by Ken Paynter aka...Maurice leChevalier

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